August 25, 2023


So, I called 1and1 again this morning. The issue was there were two versions of the database for the site and the tech on Tuesday had restored the older, obsolete one. So, Rod (which I’m certain is his real name… ) dug in, and restored the newer database! Woo hoo! Saved from my own stupidity. I lost two updates, and those were easy peasy to redo. Geeze. Anyway, next time, we’ll probably queue up the “wayback” machine and look at some pictures from when we were in New Orleans. stay tuned, and thanks for your patience.

August 25, 2023


Good intentions. I was playing around with the site on Tuesday after posting the previous message. Several themes had been downloaded, and played around with. To the point that I realized I was doing more damage than not. So, I got this wild hair that I would reset the theme settings. Doing some innerweb spelunking, the WordPress add-in WP Reset is recommended for this tasking. Obviously, I didn’t thoroughly read the documentation as WP Reset not only resets themes settings, it resets EVERYTHING, including deleting all the media on the website. Luckily, I had done a site backup, but that was basically just the text, and all the links, no…

August 16, 2023

Fairfax Cemetery

A couple of weeks ago, I grabbed the Fuji X100f and headed out for a walk to the Fairfax Cemetery. I’ve walked through the cemetery a couple of times before, but this trip was solely for photographic purposes. It prolly wasn’t the ideal day for photography as it was very bright and sunny that day. I’m fond of dark, contrasty imagery, and that can be a challenge in the bright sunlight. Oh well. The cemetery is about a mile away on the other side of the Fairfax Courthouse. An interesting factoid about the Fairfax Courthouse is this is where the infamous Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial was conducted. Don’t ask me…

August 6, 2023


One of the amazing benefits of living in the WMA (Washington Metropolitan Area) is the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center of the National Air and Space Museum. We’ve been to the center a couple of times, but it has been a number of years since our last visit. Jourdan and Stefani were in town for the 4th of July holiday, and seeing as it will be the last time that we will see them up here in the WMA, Jourdan and I decided to visit the center. It was a busy 3rd of July at the center as most folks had the day off in advance of Independence Day. There wasn’t…

July 16, 2023


As you might have realized by now, we are fond of Renfests. We’ve talked in the past about some memorable visits to the Renfest in Robert, LA. (LARF!) When we first moved to Northern Virginia we attended the Renfest in Crownsville, MD. We actually went twice. Let’s just suffice it to say it was not our thing. Whole ‘lotta reasons. A couple of years later, we discovered the Virginia Renfest (VARF) in the booming metropolis of Spotsylvania, VA. We had a nice time at the fest in 2009, and then truth be told it slipped off our radar…. Fast forward to 2023, the year of the great retirement, and I…

May 31, 2023

Fairfax Classic Car Show

The City of Fairfax, the town we live in, is an interesting community. Once upon a time it was small out of the way hamlet isolated from the hubbub of the WMA. Nowadays, urban sprawl has encompassed Fairfax and it acts a thoroughfare through which people travel getting back and forth to work. Saying that, it’s been a pleasant place to live the 2+ years we have been here. Fairfax still is operated as a small town and presents a large number of annual events, many of which we have taken part in. The subject of today’s post is the annual Fairfax Antique Car Show held on May 20th. We…