January 8, 2025

Happy Belated New Year!

Greetings all, My apologies for the lateness of this post. Don’t really have a reason… It’s been a year of settling into our new lives here in Williamsburg. Discovery, learning, adventure. It’s definitely been a slower pace. Truth be told, we’ve gotten very comfortable with it. Willliamsburg is an interesting city. In actuality, it’s a fairly small community, with the James City County population being some 80k in the last census. I suspect it’s increased since then, but definitely not by a large percentage. The one thing that Williamsburg is, is a tourist community. Between Colonial Williamsburg (CW), and Busch Gardens, the city/county population enlarges significantly during the summer months….

January 6, 2025

Jamestown Settlement

In the summer, Tim and Terry came to Williamsburg for a visit. We love having them, they are wonderful folks, and it’s really nice to be able to just talk to people of a like mind. Love y’all! Anyway, we tend to go out sight seeing when they are here, so we decided to go to Jamestown Settlement. There are two Jamestown museums in Williamsburg, the other being Historic Jamestown. The two are not related, but are very near each other geographically. It’s a bit confusing, but there it is. Oh, before we get too far, I would be remiss not mentioning that the camera du jour today was the…

December 25, 2024

Merry Christmas!

Good morning all. This will be brief as the family will be arising shortly. Melanie and I wish to you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It’s been a full year for us, the first complete year of retirement. I’ll go into the years activities in a New Years post in a couple of days. But for now, we’re hoping you are having a wonderful holiday.

November 17, 2024

Agecroft Hall

In June, Jourdan and Stefani came over to spend the weekend with Melanie and I for Fathers day. They had proposed a trip to Agecroft Hall in outside of Richmond as a nice day out. Having never heard of Agecroft Hall before, I investigated. It’s a fascinating story of an English manor which fell into disuse and was purchased by T.C. Williams Jr in 1925. The useable parts of the building were disassembled, shipped across the Atlantic and reassembled overlooking the James river in Richmond. It’s an interesting story, and we like old buildings, so it was perfect for a day out. The camera used for these images is the…

September 2, 2024

Carolina Renaissance Festival

Hi de ho all. Well, tryin’ to get back on the horse a little bit, posting more frequently. Anywho, last year, before our scheduled house move in, Jourdan and Stefani invited us to come down to Durham the week of my birthday, and we would go to the Carolina Renaissance Festival. This was to be a rather tumultuous time in our schedule as we were literally planning to move from Fairfax to Williamsburg the week before. Unfortunately the house wasn’t quite ready yet (no occupancy permit, and as of this time no gas), so it was going to be a bit of a juggle. To add fun to the mix…

April 30, 2024

Farewell dude……

On the 19th of April, Meghan called the house. Melanie picked up the phone and Meghan asked to get me on the line as well. Of course my first question was “are you ok”, and she said yes, but I have to tell you that we lost Bently today. He had collapsed in the back yard and wouldn’t get up. Meghan got Rob to help her pick him up and take him to the emergency vet clinic. An ultrasound indicated some definitely un-natural things going on inside. They said that they could probably save him with emergency surgery, but at best it would only extend things a couple of months….