December 14, 2019

The Year in Review

2019 was a fairly busy year for both personal and work efforts. With the new tax laws brought forth under the current administration, we were not able to itemize for our taxes this year. This was the first time since my daughter was born that this has happened. What it did highlight, is taxwise, owning our home no longer brings the tax benefits it once did. So a casual decision was made to prepare the house for sale, and get ready to do that. The hardscape outside was redone, the less said about that experience the better as that was possibly the singular worse contractor experience ever. There is still…

December 14, 2019

My requisite annual post :)

Well, this isn’t exactly going as planned. H’mmm. Perhaps it’s time to revisit. There has been plenty to write about in the last year or so, I’ve just not felt the need (motivation?) to actually post it here. So, here is a proposal for a New Years Resolution: Post something here on a weekly basis. What think thee? Oh, wait, I’ve turned off comments. LOL. I really need to do this more.

August 18, 2018


Hi all, This site has been a severe case of “I don’t quite know what to do with it” since I put it up many moons ago.  Not much more that I can say about that…. So, stay tuned and we’ll see where this goes.  Promise!