January 6, 2025

Jamestown Settlement

In the summer, Tim and Terry came to Williamsburg for a visit. We love having them, they are wonderful folks, and it’s really nice to be able to just talk to people of a like mind. Love y’all! Anyway, we tend to go out sight seeing when they are here, so we decided to go to Jamestown Settlement. There are two Jamestown museums in Williamsburg, the other being Historic Jamestown. The two are not related, but are very near each other geographically. It’s a bit confusing, but there it is. Oh, before we get too far, I would be remiss not mentioning that the camera du jour today was the…

August 7, 2024

Luray Caverns

Well, firstly, Mea culpa. I’ve completely forgotten you over the past several months. My apologies. I honestly have no excuse whatsoever. Just a general lack of motivation. In times past, I would sit at the bar on Sunday morning (ish) and craft a blog message for my faithful followers, which I’m completely certain have all disappeared by now. Now that every day is weekend, it’s completely fallen off the map. Anyway, as the move in day approached last year, we started looking at things to do in the area, Northern Virginia, that might not be so easy once we were in South-Eastern Virginia. I pinged Meghan to see if’n she…

July 16, 2023


As you might have realized by now, we are fond of Renfests. We’ve talked in the past about some memorable visits to the Renfest in Robert, LA. (LARF!) When we first moved to Northern Virginia we attended the Renfest in Crownsville, MD. We actually went twice. Let’s just suffice it to say it was not our thing. Whole ‘lotta reasons. A couple of years later, we discovered the Virginia Renfest (VARF) in the booming metropolis of Spotsylvania, VA. We had a nice time at the fest in 2009, and then truth be told it slipped off our radar…. Fast forward to 2023, the year of the great retirement, and I…