December 26, 2021

Catching up

There hasn’t been a photo related entry here since July. Sorry about that. So, lets try and catch up a bit, shall we? Back in July, Jourdan and Stefani were finally able to visit up here in Northern Virginia. We had not seen them since the pandemic descended upon us, so it was quite a treat to pick them up at the airport. Unfortunately, their flight departure was pushed back a week as one of Stefani’s co-workers was diagnosed with Covid and she was tagged as being in close contact. Luckily it was all for naught, but the delay caused their trip to overlap with a planned 40th anniversary ceremony…

December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas

Good morning and Merry Christmas to you all. Typically on Christmas morning, I sit down in the morning before everyone arises and craft an e-mail summarizing the year for distribution to a plethora of things. This year, we’re gonna come in to the “modern era” and this blog entry will take the place of that e-mail. I’ll send everyone a link via e-mail…. As you can see, the website is still in a bit of flux, but that’s not the topic of todays’ discourse. Things on the site will get better, but for now, this is what we have. In last years’ e-mail we had prognosticated that we would get…

December 23, 2021

Making Headway!

So, the Twenty Twenty-One theme “seems” to be the keeper. There are a number of customizer add-ins available which I think will get me where I want. Yay. You might see the formatting change a bit while I experiment. Don’t be surprised if an ugly green pastel background makes it’s appearances, at least for brief periods of time. Chances are, I’ll turn on commenting, you too will be able to participate in the sausage making exercise. I’ll most likely make a post or two in the next couple of days. There has been a goodly things going on in our lives, both photographic and not. In years past, I’ve crafted…

December 5, 2021

Quick update

I know you have been sitting next to your computer in utter anticipation of when the site issues would get resolved and I would start posting wonderful photos again. LOL, right….. Anyway, I’m pretty certain that I’m going to use one of the base WordPress themes, specifically Twenty Twenty-One, and then tweak it to suit my desires via add-ins and CSS. So, I’ll clean up all the posts to display nicely before I start tweaking, and then jump into the CSS pool. This means that I can also start posting again, as none of the modifications I’m postulating will affect the posts, other than formatting. I know you are over…

September 5, 2021

Momentary lapse of reason….

Well, I guess this isn’t a big surprise. Some time back while searching for a WordPress theme, I selected the “Photo-Diary by Sitko-Designing”. It wasn’t perfect, but I knew less than nothing about WordPress, and Photo Diary provided the look I was wanting. Mostly. The individual lack of font control was a pain, but that was resolved via a plug-in and life went on. And then WordPress introduced the Block Editor. Photo-Diary started doing some interesting things, the most painful of which was eliminating whitespace between paragraphs. A quick e-mail to the author produced a shoulder shrug reaction in that he wasn’t planning on updating Photo-Diary to work with the…

August 22, 2021

Throw me somethin’ mister!

Continuing on with our look at yesteryear, it’s Mardi Gras time, circa 2004. We packed up the car and traveled down to St. Charles Avenue on the Sunday before Mardi Gras to catch a string of parades planned for the day.. If memory serves me correct (?), the parades were Toth, Venus, Tucks and MidCity, They were typically run one after the other, and for the truly dedicated you could stay a while and catch Endymion in the evening. As we aren’t/weren’t anywhere near that dedicated, the day parades suited us just fine. We had the luxury of being in front of a business that Melanie’s sister-in-law’s sister worked at…