This will be the last post of the sordid details of our recent house sale/relocation. We are nearing the end of the process, and I’m sure that you’re tired of hearing about it at this juncture. Prolly not as tired as we are of living it, but so be it. This last weekend has us tackling the bottom floor. The den had achieved a manageable state, but the garage was frankly a disaster. My office is transitioning back to full time in a week or two, so this was the last time I will be able to take time off to wrap things up, so I did that taking off…
Settling in
After the movers left, there were boxes literally everywhere. All three floors, covering virtually all the open floor space. Here is the space between the kitchen and dining room…. Needless to say this was a bit overwhelming, but you know the saying, right? “How do you eat an elephant?” “One bite at a time”…. Anyway, we began the process of opening and unloading the boxes. On Wednesday, we had a short morning of it and then went to the old house in the afternoon for a final clean-up. Meghan came by and we all said our farewells’ to the house with our cars loaded to the gills with stuff the…
The deed is done
After weeks of buildup, packing, unpacking, taking boxes to the townhouse, stress, exhaustion, etc., moving day arrived yesterday at 8 o’clock in the way of 2 big honkin’ trucks and 5 strapping young men from Campbell moving. They wasted no time in getting moving and were amazingly efficient at their duties. All the furniture was wrapped in blankets, secured with tape and then hauled out to the truck to be expertly arranged. Melanie and I were amazed. The main floor was done around 10 and the difficult part, the downstairs area with the tools was completed around noon. I had gone to got us a sandwich from Santini’s around 11…
Keep on, keepin’ on
The last week has been a blur, as you might expect. Who knew it was possible to cram this much “stuff” into a not particularly large house? Well, I guess it’s bigger than we realized… LOL! The reality is, the townhouse we rented, which advertised as being 2,400 square feet, is appreciably smaller than this house, and arranged completely different. So, it’s been a major purge in a frenzied attempt to be ready for when the movers show up on the 23rd. Rob and Meghan came over on Tuesday to take the tools he wanted back to their house. While he had the truck here, we took to the opportunity…
Movin’, movin’, movin’, keep them doggies movin’….
Well, missed another week. It’s not like we’re sitting on the veranda sipping a mint julep. We don’t have a veranda, but that’s another story. The last two weeks have genuinely been a blur. Once all the administrivia of the house sale and townhouse rental was resolved, and there was plenty of that, the ginormity of the situation began to descend. MOVE. ALL. OUR. STUFF….. This posting is going to seem a bit all over the place as my mind is going about 300 mile/shour trying to work through how we will do all this. CALM….. DOWN….. Geeze. Well, this brings forth the adage, “How do you eat an Elephant?…
Exit Right
Sorry I missed last weekend. Really no excuse as we weren’t doing much. So after the last entry was posted the Agent called on Sunday night to ask if we could move the listing of the house up from February 10th to February 4th. Melanie and I had jumped through our ears getting the house ready for photos, so it was in pretty good shape, mostly. I told the Realtor that there were a couple of little things to attend to, but the house looked pretty good. He relayed that the level of interest in the house was tremendous and he was wanting not to miss it, so we agreed….