We’re back to Greensboro today. As you have probably surmised, I’ve been spending some quality time there over the last 6 months or so.
There are some interesting historical tidbit’s in the areas to be discovered. We talked about the Old Mill of Guilford a while back. Along the same road, and not far away from the mill is the Historic Ai Church. It’s at the corner of NC-68 and Alcorn Road in Oak Ridge, NC.
I had driven by the place numerous times, and this morning, the sun had not quite come up, and I had a few minutes to spare, so I stopped in to see what photographic opportunities were to be had. The shots were taken with the Fuji XT-2 with the XF18-55 zoom.
To be honest, the photo’s don’t/didn’t do justice to the scene. Not sure why. The sun was rising, and the light was lovely, but there is just something missing.
With that said, I’ll let you be the judge. There aren’t that many, so I’ll post them all here, as opposed to a sprinkling with a link the the full album:
Interesting tidbit. When I first published the page, I was using a Gallery provided by JetPack, one the of the WordPress add-ins I’ve got loaded. The JetPack Gallery sorts images numerically so they were in the chronological order that I like. It didn’t allow full sized images to be displayed, so I switched back to the WordPress Gallery. In doing so, they stayed in the proper order. So that’s a quick and dirty way to sort images. Yay!
That’s all for today. Next time I’ll wrap up 2021 with a nice walk through Fairfax City on New Year’s Eve with my two favorite children. It was a lovely day.