January 2, 2020

futzing around with the site

So I managed to bugger up the site formatting pretty nicely, so I decided to reset it and choose a different theme. Twenty-Thirteen was chosen as I like the format and can figure out how to format it to my likes. What was wanted was a theme where the post showed in its entirety and the user didn’t have to click on a link to read the rest of the post. May change that in the future, but for now, this is it. Wouldn’t surprise me to migrate to something else in the future once I get a little more WordPress knowledgeable though. Cheers!

January 1, 2020

happy new year!

The New Year, and debatably the next decade, has descended upon us. Happy New Year to anyone out there actually reading this other than me! Resolutions It’s a time of reflection and consideration of the year to come and perhaps embark upon new habits, processes, activities, whatnot. I’ve got my own two resolutions which I embrace seemingly every year, and unfortunately fail miserably at keeping. Those would be Using profanity and Talking to the other drivers in traffic. Some years are better than others, but I don’t honestly remember ever making it past the March timeframe before the resolution went by the wayside. Perhaps if I report on my progress…

December 24, 2019

woo hoo! three in one day

My workflow is firming up and I’m getting very comfortable with it. I’ve combined the information presented at dpReview in Fcracer’s thread about C1 workflow/post processing with Ian York’s thread about session management into the cornerstone of my Capture One workflow. My workflow is now designated into two different steps: 1) Ingest and post processing – Per your information, I create a session on a Samsung EVO USB drive using a file session template. It’s set up in a very similar fashion to Ian’s patterned after my photo folder arrangement on my NAS box. The images are imported from the SD card to the sesion folder on the SSD. Once ingested, I go through…

December 24, 2019

On a roll

To add to my initial post, in the interim I’ve bought both a 35mm f1.4 and a 20mm f2.0 which are relegated to the X-Pro1 as they are perfectly matched. I came across a X-T1 under warranty last year on e-bay on the cheap so I grabbed it, and the 18-55 f2.8-4.0 sees duties on it. These are well matched as well. When Fuji had the 55-200mm zooms on sale for $500 in the spring I succumbed to GAS and grabbed one of those  I’ve not had a lens with that much reach since I sold the Nikon kit, so developing an eye for it will take a bit of…

December 24, 2019

Getting to the task at hand

Hello all, This website was originally intended to be my blog about my photography. So with that, let’s get started with a bit of a review: I’m a fairly long term photographer, starting in college many years ago with an Olympus OM-1n. In those days I primarily shot Tri-x and have a plethora of negatives that I now need to digitize, but that’s a story for another blog entry. Dabbling with P & S digital cameras, about 15 years ago received a Nikon D-70 as a gift from a friend in exchange for some design work I had done for him. The D-70 is still in the family, with my…

December 14, 2019

The Year in Review

2019 was a fairly busy year for both personal and work efforts. With the new tax laws brought forth under the current administration, we were not able to itemize for our taxes this year. This was the first time since my daughter was born that this has happened. What it did highlight, is taxwise, owning our home no longer brings the tax benefits it once did. So a casual decision was made to prepare the house for sale, and get ready to do that. The hardscape outside was redone, the less said about that experience the better as that was possibly the singular worse contractor experience ever. There is still…