July 15, 2020


This is probably going to be a bit long, so get yourself a hot beverage, sit down and have a read. Like virtually the entire world, I was sent home on March 19th and told to “Socially Distance” myself from others. OK; Interesting. The non-stop cacophony regarding the COVID-19 pandemic from the Main Stream Media (MSM) had begun, and the short term implications were fairly ominous. The one thing the MSM revels in is what we call FUD in the technical business. Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. But enough of that, this is about an awakening, of sorts. The first days were filled with a mixture of splendor/dread emotions. Being off…

April 1, 2020

First try at posting photos

Being home “Social Distancing”, I’ve had the chance to start to do some post processing of over 20 years of digital photos. To demonstrate my masochism, of course I started with the oldest photos. Taken in 1999 on a Kodak DC280 point and shoot. As discussed a while back, all this is being done in Capture One Pro v12. The more I use C1, the more I’m developing a love/hate relationship with it. After going back and forth between Sessions and Catalogs, I’ve finally come to a point where the Catalog containing my entire image library is behaving. Mostly. A lot of my “issues” were in attempting to use LightRoom…

January 2, 2020

futzing around with the site

So I managed to bugger up the site formatting pretty nicely, so I decided to reset it and choose a different theme. Twenty-Thirteen was chosen as I like the format and can figure out how to format it to my likes. What was wanted was a theme where the post showed in its entirety and the user didn’t have to click on a link to read the rest of the post. May change that in the future, but for now, this is it. Wouldn’t surprise me to migrate to something else in the future once I get a little more WordPress knowledgeable though. Cheers!

January 1, 2020

happy new year!

The New Year, and debatably the next decade, has descended upon us. Happy New Year to anyone out there actually reading this other than me! Resolutions It’s a time of reflection and consideration of the year to come and perhaps embark upon new habits, processes, activities, whatnot. I’ve got my own two resolutions which I embrace seemingly every year, and unfortunately fail miserably at keeping. Those would be Using profanity and Talking to the other drivers in traffic. Some years are better than others, but I don’t honestly remember ever making it past the March timeframe before the resolution went by the wayside. Perhaps if I report on my progress…