June 20, 2021

Happy Fathers Day!

Good morning and Happy Father’s Day to all. Fatherhood has been an amazing thing. Long ago and far away, there was a quiet confidence that Fatherhood was simply not in the cards for me. Dunno why that conclusion was reached, but for many years it was so. Until, of course, it actually happened. Quite by accident, but when it was announced that Fatherhood was in my immediate future, it was met with a response of happiness and terror. The blessed event came and went, and my life as it was known, ceased to exist. And thank goodness for that. Having children in my life, now two of them, has been…

June 13, 2021


Now that we are firmly settled in our Fairfax City townhouse, the next focus is deciding where our next, and hopefully last home will be. The one thing that we are “fairly” sure of is it won’t be in Northern Virginia. Too many reasons to go into here, but unless the home of our dreams at a price we could pay appears, it’s not going to happen. So, we have been driving around Virginia, doing the “Home Tour” as we call it. Last weekend was kind of an extreme version of that premise as almost 2 tankful’s of gas were consumed in our travels across the area. Friday had us…