’twas kinda short work week this week. Monday was Memorial Day, so that was a holiday and Friday was my bi-weekly day off. No traveling this week, but I was able to get 1 1/2 photo walks in this week. More about the 1/2 walk a bit later. None of the cameras has gotten a lot of usage since they showed up, thanks to the CoronaVirus, but the X-Pro2 and the XT-2 were a bit jealous of the usage that the x100f was getting, so the X-Pro2 was the camera ‘du jour this week. On Tuesday, the X-Pro2 was mounted with the 35mm f1.4 that was bought off of E-Bay…
Jed’s Old Millhouse
With life beginning to return to some sort of normalcy in this post apocalyptic COVID-19 world, last week was my first travel experience for work since the pandemic descended upon us some 14 months ago. We were traveling to the world renown Greensboro, North Carolina for a meeting with a vendor to discuss the work they had been doing for us over the previous year and change. Stepping rather trepidatiously, it was decided to drive vice fly, to progress as they say “One step at a time” into this brave new-ish world. It’s about a 4 1/2 hour drive either down I-95/I-85/I-40 or VA-29. The Virginia highway was chosen, as…
back to the pi’tures….
This weblog/site was erected primarily to discuss all things photographic. Well, as many folks experience, life has kinda gotten in the way of late. Luckily, many of the perturbations are working themselves out, leaving time and mental facilities available for the artistic pursuit of photography. Sometime last summer, in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis, a kind of life summary was begun with this post, Time. It was all well and good, and then, yet again, life interceded. The second part of the diatribe was dutifully started, but honestly I cannot seem to corral enough gumption to truly finish it. The post was to start with the early Fuji imagery…