September 2, 2024

Carolina Renaissance Festival

Hi de ho all.

Well, tryin’ to get back on the horse a little bit, posting more frequently.

Anywho, last year, before our scheduled house move in, Jourdan and Stefani invited us to come down to Durham the week of my birthday, and we would go to the Carolina Renaissance Festival.

This was to be a rather tumultuous time in our schedule as we were literally planning to move from Fairfax to Williamsburg the week before. Unfortunately the house wasn’t quite ready yet (no occupancy permit, and as of this time no gas), so it was going to be a bit of a juggle.

To add fun to the mix Tropical Storm Ophelia decided to intrude into the planning, making it even more of a juggle.

So, we had the furniture picked up from Fairfax on the 22nd of September. I talked a little about this last year. After loading the Pilot to the gills with the stuff we didn’t want the movers handling, we put it in the garage and then ensconced ourselves in Meghan’s bedroom (Thank You) for the duration. After seeing Echo in Tyson’s Corner, we rushed back to the apartment, put the garbage out, jumped in both cars and headed out.

Of course I-95 traffic outbound on a Sunday evening was diabolical, so we didn’t get to the house until about 8:00 p.m. We unloaded the gear in the Pilot into the garage, and then headed for a late dinner and then the hotel.

The movers had told us they would be at the house at 8:00 a.m. Monday morning, so we were up early and at the house at 7:30. Of course they didn’t show up until about 10:00 a.m…. They got the furniture moved into the house, and also moved the stuff I left in the garage into the appropriate places. We left the Pilot in the storage facility and headed back to Meghan’s.

On Friday, we departed Meghan’s to meet the contractor at the house for a “pre-walkthrough”. Finishing that, we headed to Durham to Jourdan and Stefani’s house. Whew….

On Saturday, we were able to have a really nice day at the Renfest. The weather was very nice, and the event was well presented.

So, now that all that yammering is done, on to the crux of the matter! I had packed fairly lightly and only had the Fuji X100f with me. As it turns out, this was a perfect option for the event. Of the three cameras in the armory, the little X100f prolly gets the most usage. If I was a logical person, I would prolly sell the cameras I don’t use as much, but with GAS, there isn’t much logic…

To preface, there are >120 images in the gallery, so I’m only going to highlight a small number. The remainder are here.

What I like about Ren Fests are the folks that attend. Always something interesting. When we first started doing these there weren’t a lot of folks in costume. Now I dare say, the majority are dressed. It makes for great fun. I guess as some point I’ll have to get a “puffy”shirt


Next time, I’ll talk about a visit down south to Louisiana we took in March.
