On Sunday, after a nice Greek breakfast, Emilio (Pam’s partner) decided we were going to go and check out the some of the antiquities of Greece in the vicinity.
The weather had turned a bit to the worse and it was cold and rainy when we left the villa. I was thanked, yet again, for bringing the winter weather to Greece… LOL.
The first leg was to Mycenae, which is referred to as the city of the legendary Agamemnon. As I know (or remember) very little about ancient Greek history, all I could do was agree.
The 38km drive to the site took something over 1 1/2 hours, which should give you some indication of the state of Greek roads. In my short exposure to Greece thus far, I found it to be extraordinarily beautiful, if perhaps less than well maintained if you will. Interesting.
Arriving there, I was warned that the Greek were very serious about mask usage, and to keep my mask on at all time.
It’s a fairly long walk from the parking lot to the entrance, but once there the journey become clear. Absolutely amazing. For more information about the site, check out Archaeological Site of Mycenae.
Clicking on an image will bring up a full sized version. I’m slowly getting to know the in’s and out’s of WordPress.
After walking around the site for about an hour, we got back in the car and headed for Epidaurus.
As my knowledge of the site is limited, it’s best to refer elsewhere for further information: The Sanctuary of Asklepios at Epidaurus.
The one thing to note is the weather got colder and damper as the day progressed.
The coliseum was amazing, and of course I had to climb it, just because….
After walking around the rim to the other side, it started snowing and the centuries old granite got really slick. I must be getting old, but I was struck with a real sense of death, doom and dismemberment at the thought of sliding down the plethora of stairs, arms akimbo as they say.
So, I inched my way down as any good ninny would do, a couple of times crouching down to be able to hold onto the stone. Luckily I managed to descend without incident…..
At that point, both Emilio and I were cold and damp, and headed into the museum, if for no other reason than to warm up….
An amazing cadre of sculpture was there to greet us, and we had the place to ourselves.
Emerging from the museum, we walked back to the car catching a few more images on the way.
Next time I’ll present a showcase of the area around Pam’s villa. It was, and is spectacular.